I've been contemplating all week whether or not I should write a review about this show... and what better day to write it than on Pete Loeffler's birthday!
Anyway, I've seen Chevelle before, but this show was different; this show was sacred. Yes, sacred. There are still no words to fully describe this show... the only words I can come up with are "epic" and "absolutely badass". That's all I've got. It's one of those things where you had to be there.
This show was mind-blowing. This show was brutal.
This show kicked ass.
So this was my 2nd time seeing Chevelle... I know, I suck... haha! This time I was closer. Much, much, closer!!! 5th row (not counting the two stupid VIP rows), slightly off-center, between Pete and Dean... more so on Dean's side. Also, "Sheldon" the bull made an appearance!!! I tried to take pictures of this epic moment, but: 1) Paul Paul Theatre's lighting is terrible and never seems to get a long with our camera. 2) There were two bean poles standing in front of us, and two more bean poles had the seats in front of them. The story of my life. It sucks being short.
Let's get to what actually matters, yes? CHEVELLE!!! They opened with "Sleep Apnea", which definitely set the tone. I knew it was going to be a badass show. "Hats Off to the Bull" was played next, and it was all kinds of badass. The song itself kicks ass, but when you have "Sheldon" up there staring at you, it adds the extra badassness. Especially when the purple lights hit him; it shined black and purple, with purple glowing eyes! (Yes, I have a picture!) "Jars"... need I say more? 3 beyond badass songs in a row. I'm tellin' ya folks, my mind was blown. Just, oh my gawd.
I should probably mention that Pete was a little banged up... okay, a lot banged up. He and Dean were being quite comical about it. Dean's a really funny guy! Pete said he "got into a fight with a badger", but later told the truth of what really happened. For those who don't know, Pete fell off the stage in Tucson a few nights prior, and jacked up his knee... he JUST released some video footage of it a few days ago, and yikes!! It was bad. He's lucky he didn't injure anything else. So yeah, Pete's a trooper! He could have cancelled the last few shows after Tucson, but he didn't. He played on. Massive kudos to Pete!!!
Back to the brutality. THE BASS. Holy crap!!! Dean's bass playing is absolutely brutal. The bass has always been prominent in Chevelle's songs... but damn, I thought the speakers were going to explode. It was absolutely fabulous. And hot. Hey, I'm a bass girl
they played "Roswell's Spell" !!!!!!! "Piñata" was a pleasant surprise!! And oh my god,
I went nuts. Can you tell?
When I last saw them, I griped about "The Clincher" being their closing song. That's my favorite Chevelle song, and I hated that I had to wait until the very end, but I enjoyed the antici... pation. This time around, "The Clincher" was not the closing song, but I kinda wished it was. It's just the perfect closer. I thought the setlist positioning for it was a bit off? I mean, either put it towards the beginning or put it last... putting it 5 songs before the end... I don't know, it kind of seemed less epic? And the fact that they slowed the tempo down just a little bit... yeah, that was kind of disappointing. I wanted more crunch and more screaming... I can only describe as being "The Semi-Clincher"... LOL!
I had a bit of high school nostalgia with "Send The Pain Below" and "The Red"... and I liked how "Comfortable Liar" was sandwiched in between the two. That was just perfect. Absolutely perfect. A certain asshole's face came into my mind during "Comfortable Liar"... I couldn't help but laugh and just shake my head. Just... gawd I love Chevelle. I really, really, do.
"Face to the Floor" was the closing song. Badass song, but not for a finale, guys! Come on! That is not a 'finish things up' song... it is more of a mid-way song. I personally think they should've switched "Face to the Floor" and "Hats Off to the Bull". But it was STILL an epic night and a completely badass show. I'm tired of the words epic and badass now, but like I said, no other words come to mind. And no other words could do that show justice.
Any gripe(s) that I might have *cough not playing "Another Know It All" cough* don't even matter to me. I was 5th row at a Chevelle show, which is the closest I've ever been to Pete, I mean Chevelle ;) And I got to see Pete's eyes. Yes, I'm weird. I have this thing about having to see certain people's eyes and faces while they're singing/playing music. I like to watch them feel it. It's inspiring. And Chevelle inspires me. Pete Loeffler inspires me.
Yeah, I'll go away now... ha! But not before I share some pictures :)
Pete :)
Sam :)
Dean :)
"Sheldon" the Bull :)
Peace, Love, & Music,
~Lizzy Lepp
*P.S. - I forgot to post the full setlist! Sleep Apnea, Hats Off to the Bull, Jars, The Meddler, Vitamin R (Leading Us Along), Get Some, Closure, I Get It, Letter From a Thief, Envy, Piñata, The Clincher, Roswell's Spell, Send the Pain Below, Comfortable Liar, The Red, Face to the Floor :)
*P.S. - I forgot to post the full setlist! Sleep Apnea, Hats Off to the Bull, Jars, The Meddler, Vitamin R (Leading Us Along), Get Some, Closure, I Get It, Letter From a Thief, Envy, Piñata, The Clincher, Roswell's Spell, Send the Pain Below, Comfortable Liar, The Red, Face to the Floor :)